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When looking to create a marketing campaign that will resonate with your chosen audience, it is vital that you get your call to action (CTA) correct.

Having high quality video production, a detailed social media strategy, and your other marketing strategies all aligning perfectly all play an important role in achieving your business goals – but it is all held together with a strong CTA.

Bristol-based videographers LRB Media can help you create the perfect CTA in a pre-production meeting – and will be able to help you every step of the way in your next marketing strategy.

Here are the key steps to creating a great CTA in your next marketing video.

What is a Call To Action (CTA)?

A call to action – also known as a CTA – is a prompt that will encourage the audience, client, customer, or members of staff to take a specific action.

They are a key element in marketing, sales, and video content creation, designed to guide the audience toward a desired outcome, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, following a social media account, clicking a link, subscribing to a channel, calling for more information, or attending an event.

Creating a strong CTA in video content is crucial for guiding your audience toward taking a specific marketing goal.

What is your end goal?

Before you create your marketing videos, you’ll need to be clear on what action you want your audience to take.

A key characteristic of a successful CTA is to be clear and direct with a sense of urgency for the audience to react accordingly to the aim of the video.

The CTA should be precise and directly tell the audience what you want them to do.

It should be simple and highlight the benefits of taking the action.

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Where should you place the CTA in your marketing video?

In order for your CTA to get the desired effect, it is important to introduce the CTA early in the video.

This is especially true in longer videos, so that even viewers who don’t watch the entire video are aware of it. If the video is being shared on social media, this is vitally important, as they may not watch the entire film.

After establishing the CTA early, and creating an impactful marketing video, you’ll need to reinforce the CTA at the end when your audience is most likely to decide whether to take action.

Helpful tips when creating a CTA in a video include using on-screen text, buttons, or animations to draw attention to the CTA – and clearly outline how the audience should carry out their next steps.

Use the right tone of voice

Being clear, concise, and outlining what you want your audience should do, must work alongside the tone of voice that is used in the rest of the video.

If this is a serious, funny, or informative content, make sure it aligns with the CTA.

Phrases like ‘now’, ‘today’, or ‘limited time’ encourage quick action, and should be used following the CTA statement.

The rest of the video should also explain what the viewer will gain by taking the action.

Does your video match your branding and other content?

Your CTA should be relevant to the video content and the rest of your branding in other marketing plans.

Speak to your team and ensure that everything aligns with the CTA – as it should be used across the business in different forms of media.

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Verbal and written CTAs

Another key strategy to take onboard when planning your marketing video is to ensure that the narrator or presenter should clearly state the CTA.

This will reinforce the message and makes it more personal to the viewer.

By using first-person language, it will make it seem more of a personal marketing approach, and the viewer will likely feel more included and inclined to take the action.

High quality video production

Hiring a high quality video production company can make all the difference. They will know how to create the content you need to get the desired outcome.

When it comes to creating and displaying the CTA, they will ensure that it stands out visually from the rest of the content.

Will your CTA work on multiple social media platforms and devices?

Video content used in marketing strategies needs to be optimised for the multiple social media platforms.

You’ll also need to ensure that the CTA is easy to interact with on both mobile devices and desktops.

Test your CTA and don’t be afraid to make a change

Sometimes a marketing strategy will not hit its target – but adapting it for future campaigns will potentially mean a new CTA.

Experiment with different CTAs to see which one performs better. Test variations in wording, placement, and design.

By using analytics on Google and social media platforms, you can monitor the effectiveness of your new CTAs. Pay attention to click-through rates, revenue, and conversions.

Speak to an expert on what your CTA should be for your next videos

By incorporating these strategies, you can create a compelling CTA that effectively drives your audience to take the desired action, boosting the overall impact of your video content.

Bristol-based LRB Media is an industry leading video production company, that can help bring your vision to life. From pre-production to the final video, they are here to help.

Call 07741 487245 to speak to our CEO Luke, or email for more information.